Jane kyun bewajah song is sung by . Record label of this song is TSeries. This song is written by . It is produced by Shyam Avtar Kedia.. This song was released on 24 May 2017. Its its directed by Amit Shree Yadav, co is producer : Pawan Tated and executive producer is Shoaib Khan. Its co producer is Pawan Tated, its directed by Amit Shree Yadav and excuetive producer is Shoaib Khan.
Directed by : Amit Shree Yadav
Producer: Shyam Avtar Kedia.
Co:producer : Pawan Tated
Executive producer:Shoaib Khan
Cast: Aloknath, Rajpal Yadav, Alok Nair, Ritu Sharma, Indrapal
Lyrics coming soon