Gupchup gupchup song is from and it is sung by , and . Record label of this song is TSeries.It stars , , , in leading roles. This song is written by . It is produced by V. Ravichandran, D. Ramesh Babu. This song was released on 09 Jan 2015. Its film is Kasam Teri Kasam, music direction is done by Amar Utpal and artist is Krishan Kumar, Nita Puri, Kanchan. Its music on is T:Series.
Song : Gupchup Gupchup
Film : Kasam Teri Kasam
Singer : Manuj Bhaskar, Anuradha Paudwal
Lyricist : Gauhar Kanpuri
Music Director : Amar Utpal
Lyrics coming soon