Dare You (2016) , a 2016drama movie released on 3/18/2016 starring Alisha Seema Khan, Kshitij Singh Parmar, Sumit Gaddi, Hiten Kapoor, Avinash Abhichandani, Madonna Tixeira, Vikas Srivastav, Neil Motwani, Kaaviya Vidhate, Bosky Sheth, Harsh Nagar, produced by Narshi Vasani.
Rani Dewan comes from Kashmir to study in Pune University. Her talent and her charisma makes her the blue eyed girl of the campus. The college band absorbs her with open arms and soon their band becomes a group to reckon with. The journey of Rani undergoes a roller coaster ride and the revelations get shocking. Rani DARES YOU to witness her challenges.
The soundtrack features songs like Faisla Tera, Farishton Ki Dua (Romantic), Atrangee Bandey, Dare You (Title) sung by Jayesh Gandhi, Antara Mitra, Kavita Shah, Wrisha Dutta, Kary Arora.