Zameen song is sung by . Record label of this song is SagaHits and its production house is Running Horses Films, Color9Productions. This song is penned by and composed by . It is produced by Amanpreet Singh Sodhi, Vikram Singh, Shirin Morani Singh. This song was released on 30 Aug 2018. Its movie is 25 Kille, mix and mastering is achieved by . Bhanu Thakur and its directed by Simranjit Singh Hundal. Its screenplay & dialogues is Surmeet Maavi, its directed by Harish Gargi and cinematography is executed by Dhirendra Shukla. Its its directed by Tirath Singh, editor is Rohit Dhiman and action is K Ganesh Kumar.

Its choregrapher is Mehul Gadani, Munish Kalyan, background score is Salil Amrute and mix and mastering is achieved by Joe Roddricks. Its executive producer is Deepak Arora, line producer is Jatin Dharna and designing is completed by Thirsty Fish. Its mobile & digital partner is Unisys Infosolutions, marketed & distribution is Unisys Infosolutions.
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Title : Zameen (Audio)
Movie : 25 Kille
Mixed & Mastered by :. Bhanu Thakur
Movie Credits :
Lyrics coming soon