Yaarian na pa baithi song is sung by . Record label of this song is Amar Audio. This song is penned by and composed by . It is produced by Pinky Dhaliwal. This song was released on 28 Nov 2016. Its mirze ranjhe is 5432115644017, pyar pyar is 5432115644004 and yarrian na pa baithi is 5432115644035. Its mirze ranjhe is 5378148015, pyar pyar is 5378148016 and yarrian na pa baithi is 5378148004. Its mirze ranjhe is 567898148015, pyar pyar is 567898148016 and yarrian na pa baithi is 567898148004.

Its mirze ranjhe is 6253016, pyar pyar is 6253017 and yarrian na pa baithi is 6253018. Its mirze ranjhe is 8148015, pyar pyar is 8148016 and yarrian na pa baithi is 8148004. Its mix and mastering is achieved by Bhanu Partap, Ginny Dhiman has performed the photography of this song.
Mirze Ranjhe : 5432115644017
Pyar Pyar : 5432115644004
Yarrian Na Pa Baithi : 5432115644035
Mirze Ranjhe : 5378148015
Pyar Pyar : 5378148016
Lyrics coming soon