Yaaran karke song is sung by , and . Record label of this song is Jass Records. This song is penned by and composed by . This song was released on 08 May 2019. Its cinematography is executed by Honey Cam / Amit Raj, artists is Bob Jaan, Timo Blackstar, Hassan and styling by is Faye Desouza. Its casting is done by Tino Mung, its directed by Honey Chaudhary & Tino Mung and production is done by Nikey Film Production. Its editor / di is Arsh Bhullar, choreographer is Saurav Sahota and makeup is done by Sonam Korgaonkar.

Its still is Abhi Lama, blessing from is Dr. Priyanka and designing is completed by MM Designs.
CRBT Instructions:
Title : Yaaran Karke
Dop : Honey Cam / Amit Raj
Artists : Bob Jaan, Timo Blackstar, Hassan
Styling By : Faye Desouza
Lyrics coming soon