Wishes song is sung by . Production house of this song is Crazy Cow Entertainment. This song is penned by and composed by . It is produced by Abhishek Thakur Singh, Deepak Pathak, Jatinder Singh Monga, Megha V Chandel. This song was released on 08 Feb 2019. Its video is created by Vikas K Chandel, starring XASH, LION, Ananya Sengupta, Rohan Patil and mastering is B Sanj. Its cinematography is executed by Suraj Kurade, its directed by Gopal Chandrabhar and ep is Kayam Khan. Its makeup is done by Kruti, line producer is Suhan Raut and ads team is Punit Nayak, Pervez, Shraddha.

Its stylist is Hasti, editor is Sandeep Sethy and fx is Kalinath Roy. Its colorist is Nadeem (Paper Boyz), online is Ankur (After Studio) and choreographer is Gaurav & Danny.
Production House: Crazy Cow Entertainment
Video Director: Vikas K Chandel
Producer: Abhishek Thakur Singh, Deepak Pathak, Jatinder Singh Monga, Megha V Chandel
Starring: XASH, LION, Ananya Sengupta, Rohan Patil
Mastering: B Sanj
Lyrics coming soon