Udeekan song is sung by . Record label of this song is Amar Audio. This song is penned by and composed by . It is produced by Pinky Dhaliwal. This song was released on 18 Feb 2017. Its hanju is 5432115377944, udeekaan is 5432115377641 and hanju is 5377599368. Its udeekaan is 5377598814, hanju is 567897599368 and udeekaan is 567897598814. Its hanju is 6567431, udeekaan is 6567432 and hanju is 7599368.

Its udeekaan is 7598814, story is Happi Ramgariah and editor is Mayank Thapar. Its filmed by Kuran Dhillon.
Hanju : 5432115377944
Udeekaan : 5432115377641
Hanju : 5377599368
Udeekaan : 5377598814
Hanju : 567897599368
Lyrics coming soon