Tutari video song song is sung by . Record label of this song is TSeries and its production house is Jugalbandi LLP. This song is penned by and composed by . It is produced by C.N. Yogi. This song was released on 24 Aug 2017. Its publisher and marketing is Canvas Talent Private Limited, audio distributor and pr is Hungama and its directed by Chirag Arora. Its R.M.Swamy has performed the photography of this song, Rajesh Swamy has performed the photography of this song and editor is Faizan Shaikh. Its on location editor is Manoj Mishra, choreographer is Sagar Mhadolkar and its directed by Tasneem Dange.

Its its directed by Abhigyan Singh Malik, its directed by Abhilash Chatterjee and its directed by Anuj Gupta. Its cinematography is executed by Kartik, assistant choreographer is Sandeep Shetty and location manager is Sanju Rajpal Balmeeki. Its di colorist is Harsh Dandotiya, dancers is Shambhu & group.
Live Rhythm: Dipesh Varma, Satyajit Jamsandekar & Siddharth Mahadevan.
Chorus: Kshitij Wagh, Soumil Shringarpure, Shankar Vishwanathan & Siddharth Mahadevan.
Publisher and Marketing: Canvas Talent Private Limited
Audio Distributor and PR :Hungama
Production house: Jugalbandi LLP
Lyrics coming soon