Tung Lak Video Song Launch Event Lyrics - Atinder Khairh | Sukhwinder Singh | Sunidhi Chauhan
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Song Information
Tung lak video song launch event song is from Umar (2016) and it is sung by Sukhwinder Singh, Sunidhi Chauhan, Shail Hada and Kalpana Gandharv. Record label of this song is TSeries.It stars and Atinder Khairh in leading roles. This song is penned by PRITESH and lyrics written by SANDEEP SINGH. and composed by T-Series. This song was released on 10 Nov 2016. Its mix and mastering is achieved by Tosief Shaikh, mastered is Eric Pillai and strokes is Tapas Roy. Its dhol is Haniff Aslam, chorus is Dipti, Hargun, Roshni, Mayuri and recording engineer is Kittu Myakal, Urmila Sutar, Raaj Jagtap.
Mixed: Tosief Shaikh
Mastered: Eric Pillai
Strokes: Tapas Roy
Dhol: Haniff Aslam
Chorus: Dipti, Hargun, Roshni, Mayuri
Lyrics coming soon