They know kkg song is sung by . It is produced by Latx(Vishal Kumar). This song was released on 02 Mar 2020. Its its directed by DirectorLatX(Vishal Kumar), cinematography is executed by Kamal Passi and cinematography is executed by LatX. Its video is created by UrbanBlue Production, executive producer is Deepak Kumar and production is done by Saurabh Kumar. Its its directed by Suprabh Chakraverty, its directed by Supriya Arora and mua is Deepika Rajput. Its gaffer is TD Dada.
Director/Editor: DirectorLatX(Vishal Kumar)
Cinematographer 1: Kamal Passi
Cinematographer 2: LatX
Art Direction/Lighting/Colorist: LatX(Vishal Kumar)
Produced by: Latx(Vishal Kumar)
Lyrics coming soon