Tenu bhul na pavagi song is sung by and . Record label of this song is T-Series. This song is penned by and composed by . This song was released on 09 Oct 2018. Its programmer is Tapan, percussion is Sameer Mahavir and violin is Jeetu Thakur. Its flute is Kiran, feat is Aryan Vikal & Preetika Rao and sarangi is Farook Latif Khan. Its its directed by KFC, cinematography is executed by PARVEZ PATHAN and choreographer is FIROZ A KHAN. Its editor is ASHISH GAIKAR.
Programmer: Tapan
Percussion: Sameer Mahavir
Violin: Jeetu Thakur
Flute: Kiran
Feat: Aryan Vikal & Preetika Rao
Lyrics coming soon