Tareek song is sung by . Record label of this song is Jass Records. This song is penned by and composed by . This song was released on 23 Jan 2018. Its cinematography is executed by Iqbal Kamboj, editing is made by Shanky and makeup is done by Laadi. Its lighting is Manish, its directed by Monu Kamboj and its directed by Harman Preet , Happy Hundal. Its production is done by HHDP Production, its directed by Gagandeep Chatha & Gurjinder Singh.
Label | Jass Records (94780:69934)
Title : Tareek
Dop : Iqbal Kamboj
Editing : Shanky
Starring : Inder Batth , Mani Kular , Gagandeep Chatha
Lyrics coming soon