Sunehe song is sung by . Record label of this song is SagaHits. This song is penned by and composed by . This song was released on 30 Aug 2018. Its 00 is 01 | Kurta Pajama, 03 is 05 | Fakebook and 06 is 53 | Punjaban. Its 09 is 54 | Raanjhna, 13 is 45 | 2 Zulfaan and 17 is 26 | Paranda. Its 19 is 52 | Bachke, 23 is 23 | Urban Boliyan and 26 is 53 | Jatt Di Range. Its 30 is 51 | Sunehe, digital partner is Unisys.
00:01 | Kurta Pajama
03:05 | Fakebook
06:53 | Punjaban
09:54 | Raanjhna
13:45 | 2 Zulfaan
Lyrics coming soon