Stupid song is sung by and . Record label of this song is Speed Records. This song is penned by and composed by . This song was released on 24 Nov 2018. Its female model is Priyanka Khera, edit & colorist is Garry Khatrao Media and cinematography is executed by Gagan Randhawa & Honey Cam. Its mix and mastering is achieved by B Sanj, casting is done by Obed Afridi and costume is Studio Nawaab. Its makeup is done by Rahul, hair is Madhav and video is created by Tru Makers.

Its its directed by Dilsher Singh & Khushpal Singh, its directed by Shubham Malhtra and production is done by V Sigh & Sai Productions. Its poster of the song is designed by Shitanshu Shukla.
Female Model - Priyanka Khera
Edit & Colorist - Garry Khatrao Media
DOP - Gagan Randhawa & Honey Cam
Mix Mastered - B Sanj
Casting - Obed Afridi
Lyrics coming soon