Sone diya jhanjra song is sung by . Record label of this song is Jass Records. This song is penned by and composed by . It is produced by Jjagjitpal Singh. This song was released on 12 Dec 2017. Its starring Roopjeet Brar & Aakanksha Sareen, editor is Vinod Kamboj and cinematography is executed by Sukh Kamboj. Its its directed by Sohi Saini & Varinder Kamboj, production is done by HS Dhaliwal and video is created by VK Films Motion Picture.
Label | Jass Records (94780:69934)
Title : Sone Diya Jhanjra
Starring : Roopjeet Brar & Aakanksha Sareen
Editor : Vinod Kamboj
DOP : Sukh Kamboj
Lyrics coming soon