Sohneya song is sung by . Record label of this song is Speed Records. This song is penned by and composed by . This song was released on 26 Oct 2018. Its its directed by Praveen Bhat, makeup is done by Dimpi Oberoi and model is Jaideep singh. Its mastered is B Sanj, mix and mastering is achieved by Bhaskar Sarma and cinematography is executed by Krishna Thapa, Abhishek. Its production is done by G & G Models, styling is Bikanta Soubam and editing is made by Gobind Puriya. Its poster of the song is designed by Dhiman Productions.
Song : Sohneya (Full Audio)
Artist : Udit Sehgal
Music : Bawa gulzar
Lyrics : Vanit Bakshi
Directed by : Praveen Bhat
Lyrics coming soon