Salute song is sung by . Record label of this song is Jass Records. This song is penned by and composed by . It is produced by Jagjitpal Singh. This song was released on 30 Jun 2015. Its co is ordinator | Lavi Rai, starring Jassa Rai , Milan Preet , Tannu Jangra and editor is Aman Kalsi. Its co-ordinator is Lavi Rai, video is created by Click Filmz and its directed by Jassa Rai & Johan Sandhu.
Co:ordinator | Lavi Rai
Song : Salute
Singer : Jassa Rai
Starring : Jassa Rai , Milan Preet , Tannu Jangra
Lyrics : Karan Aujla
Lyrics coming soon

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