Saah song is sung by and . Record label of this song is Lokdhun Punjabi. This song is penned by and composed by . It is produced by Producer Sukhpreet Kaur Samra. This song was released on 05 Mar 2019. Its its directed by Karampreet Samra, story is Ravi Punj and editor is Sumit Anand. Its production is done by H.S. Dhaliwal & Manoj Sharma, creative head is Yogesh Verma (Punjabi Front) and copyright is Lokdhun. Its film is Titanic.
Assosiate Director: Karampreet Samra
Story: Ravi Punj
Editor: Sumit Anand
Production: H.S. Dhaliwal & Manoj Sharma
Creative Head: Yogesh Verma (Punjabi Front)
Lyrics coming soon