Peg & patlo song is sung by . Record label of this song is Amar Audio. This song is penned by and composed by . It is produced by Pinky Dhaliwal. This song was released on 30 Jun 2017. Its video is created by V5 Production, its directed by Harmeet Gill and its directed by Deepa Sangha, Lakhwinder Gill. Its cinematography is executed by Harmeet Gill, Jass Sangha, editor is Precision Cut Digital and stylish is Anmol Boparai. Its makeup is done by Amy Bassi, crew is Jatinder Grewal, Mani Gill.
Video : V5 Production
Director : Harmeet Gill
Assitant Director : Deepa Sangha, Lakhwinder Gill
DOP : Harmeet Gill, Jass Sangha
Editor : Precision Cut Digital
Lyrics coming soon