Neele nain song is sung by , , and . Record label of this song is SagaHits. This song is written by . It is produced by Sumeet Singh. This song was released on 30 Aug 2018. Its album is Neele Nain (Blue Eyes), starring Tanvi Nagi and mix and mastering is achieved by Sameer (Mumbai). Its its directed by Donn, conceived is Chan Dhanoa and art is Rajan Art. Its cinematography is executed by Gagan Randhawa, costume is Sandeep Sandy and production is done by Gold Studio.

Its its directed by Sukh Malhi, astt editor is Jaggi kanojia and digitally managed by is Unisys Infosolutions Pvt. Ltd. Its mix and mastering is achieved by Mastered : Sameer (Mumbai).
Title : Neele Nain (Blue Eyes)
Album : Neele Nain (Blue Eyes)
Starring : Tanvi Nagi
Mix - Mastered : Sameer (Mumbai)
VFX / Edit / Concept & Directed by : Donn
Lyrics coming soon