Nee manasuku song is sung by , and . Production house of this song is Sri Subhadra Creations. This song is penned by and composed by . It is produced by Ram B. This song was released on 30 May 2021.
Song : Nee Manasuku
Movie : Nee Jathaga
Production House : Sri Subhadra Creations
Producer : Ram B
Director : Bamidipati Veera
Idhe idhe idhele manasuku santosham
Grahinchave manasaa
Idhe idhe asalaina aanandham
Tharinchave vayasaa

Nee manasuna smruthulanu thalachukoni
Ontarigaa saagipo
Nee praanam aaginaa thanuvulo
Prema shwasa nimpuko

Aa prema neeku nerpina orpu penchuko
Aa chelimi neeku nerpina aa nadaka nerchuko
Aa thapana neeku nerpina nee prema geluchuko

Idhe idhe nee manasuku santosham
Grahinchave manasaa
Idhe idhe asalaina aanandham
Tharinchave vayasaa