Moidang song is sung by and . This song is penned by and composed by . It is produced by Sweety Patgiri.. This song was released on 05 Jan 2021. Its ➡️choreographer is Sachin Baruah., ➡️ assistant choreographer is Samin Das & Gayatri Boro. and ➡️cast is Roneey Deori & Prerna Patgiri (Eva). Its editing is made by Manash Kashyap (Cinedreams), cinematography is executed by Porag Jyoti Das and ➡️aerial is Biplob & Sapun. Its ➡️make is up-Prasanta Sarkar, ➡️costume is Riyan and ➡️co is Producer-Puspadhar Pegu.. Its production is done by Nirupom Deori, ➡️ co is Production Manager - Manoranjon Deori.
➡️Backing Vocals- Milon Micha, Anuj Airiyo & Manuranjon Deori
➡️Choreographer- Sachin Baruah.
➡️ Assistant Choreographer- Samin Das & Gayatri Boro.
➡️Cast-Roneey Deori & Prerna Patgiri (Eva)
➡️Editing-Manash Kashyap (Cinedreams)
Lyrics coming soon