Mix beat song is sung by , and . Record label of this song is Speed Records. This song was released on 20 Apr 2019. Its 1 is Fruit - The Landers, 2 is Light Weight - Kulwinder Billa and 3 is Pasand Jatt Di - Ammy Virk. Its mix and mastering is achieved by Video Mashup, artist is Ammy Virk, Kulwinder Billa, The Landers and 1 is Fruit : The Landers. Its 2 is Light Weight : Kulwinder Billa, 3 is Pasand Jatt Di : Ammy Virk.
1: Fruit - The Landers
2: Light Weight - Kulwinder Billa
3: Pasand Jatt Di - Ammy Virk
Mix Beat : Video Mashup
Artist : Ammy Virk, Kulwinder Billa, The Landers
Lyrics coming soon