Mere fikar song is sung by . Record label of this song is VehliJantaRecords. This song is penned by and composed by . It is produced by Rrupaali Gupta , Deepak Gupta , Ksshitij Chaudhary & Naresh Kathooria. This song was released on 05 Mar 2019. Its starring Tarsem Jassar , Neeru Bajwa, its directed by Ksshitij Chaudhary and writter is Naresh Kathooria. Its cinematography is executed by Ajayan Vincent, line producer is Virasat Films and di is Pixel D Studios. Its di colorist is Prakash Nikharge, editor is Tarun Chauhan and costume is Nitasha Bhateja Roy. Its designing is completed by Sardaar Saab & Hashtag Studios, pr is Prinday.
Starring :- Tarsem Jassar , Neeru Bajwa
Director :- Ksshitij Chaudhary
Producer :- Rrupaali Gupta , Deepak Gupta , Ksshitij Chaudhary & Naresh Kathooria
Writter :- Naresh Kathooria
DOP :- Ajayan Vincent
Lyrics coming soon