Mahi song is sung by . Record label of this song is Amar Audio. This song is penned by and composed by . It is produced by Pinky Dhaliwal. This song was released on 21 Jul 2016. Its mahi di kamli is 5432115642298, mahi is 5432115644051 and mahi di kamli is 5378148014. Its mahi is 5378148011, mahi di kamli is 567898148014 and mahi is 567898148011. Its mahi di kamli is 6170034, mahi is 6170035 and mahi di kamli is 8148014. Its mahi is 8148011, video is created by Sandeep Sharma.
Mahi Di Kamli : 5432115642298
Mahi : 5432115644051
Mahi Di Kamli : 5378148014
Mahi : 5378148011
Mahi Di Kamli : 567898148014
Lyrics coming soon