ਮਾਂ maa song is sung by , , , . Record label of this song is SagaHits. This song is penned by and composed by . It is produced by Lovepreet Sandhu Lucky, Baldev Singh Bath & Rana Ranbir. This song was released on 30 Aug 2018. Its digitally managed by is Unisys Infosolutions Pvt. Ltd, movie is Asees and production is done by Sukhbir Gill. Its its directed by Rana Ranbir, executive producer is Pardeep Sandhu and line producer is Novroz Gurbaaz Entertainment. Its background score is Salil Amrute, editor is Rohit Dhiman and designing is completed by Rockey Chauhan & Supreet Cheema.

Its technical principle is Navtej Sandhu, sound recordist is Ram Jhangra & Sukchain Singh and mix and mastering is achieved by Audio Lab. Its production is done by Pixel D Studios(Mumbai), di colorist is RP Singh and poster of the song is designed by Sharan Arts. Its dubbing at is Artha Studio Mohali, cinematography is executed by Ranganath and its directed by Jeeva. Its its directed by Sunny Masson.
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Title: Maa
Digitally Managed By: Unisys Infosolutions Pvt. Ltd
Movie Credits:
Movie: Asees
Lyrics coming soon