Lamberghini song is sung by . Record label of this song is Speed Records and its production house is Water Productions. This song is penned by and composed by . It is produced by Mansi Srivastava. This song was released on 08 May 2019. Its performers is Vijay Akodiya, dance from is Vijay Akodiya Dance Choreography and artist is The Doorbeen Feat Ragini. Its starring Harshdaa, its directed by Ankush Kathuria and its directed by Akanksha Narang & Pankaj Saraswat. Its cinematography is executed by Arindam Bhattacharjee, editor is Ankush Kathuria and di is Jaspreet Rajan Line.

Its producer is Domnic Pereira, line assistant is Ganesh & Rayeez and make is up Artist : Sonam R. Kargaonkar. Its produced by is Satinder Kaur, location courtesy is Planet Hollywood, Goa.
Performers: Vijay Akodiya
Dance from : Vijay Akodiya Dance Choreography
Artist : The Doorbeen Feat Ragini
Starring : Harshdaa
Director : Ankush Kathuria
Lyrics coming soon