Kisse mere yaar de song is sung by . Record label of this song is VehliJantaRecords. This song is penned by and composed by . It is produced by Manpreet Johal & Ashu Munish Sahni. This song was released on 08 May 2019. Its its directed by SharanArt, writer is Jass Grewal and cinematography is executed by Jaype Singh. Its its directed by Laada Siyan Ghuman, line producer is Virasat Films and editor is Tarun chouhan. Its costume is Nitasha Bhateja Roy, designing is completed by Brave art studios and instagram is sophiya_consultants.
Director :- SharanArt
Producer :- Manpreet Johal & Ashu Munish Sahni
Writer :- Jass Grewal
DOP :- Jaype Singh
Visual promotion:- Mohan Rathod , Gagan Sachdeva
Lyrics coming soon