Khataa song is sung by . Record label of this song is SagaHits. This song is written by . It is produced by Sunny Sharma. This song was released on 30 Aug 2018. Its album is Khataa, cast is Hunny Sharma | Natasha Nagpal and production is done by Ravinder Singh. Its Rs Photography has performed the photography of this song, makeup is done by Monu and its directed by Anusheel Sehdev. Its its directed by Akshay K. Agarwal, production is done by A.K.A Films and digitally managed by is Unisys Infosolutions Pvt Ltd. Its digitally managed by is UNISYS INFOSOLUTIONS PVT LTD.
Credits :
Title : Khataa
Album : Khataa
Cast: Hunny Sharma | Natasha Nagpal
Production Manager: Ravinder Singh
Lyrics coming soon