Kaaku song is sung by and . Record label of this song is Jass Records. This song is penned by and composed by . It is produced by Manoj Kamboj. This song was released on 21 Apr 2019. Its starring Usandiya & Tamanna Sodi, cinematography is executed by Cheena Hooda and editor is Viju. Its cinematography is executed by Gurbaaz, lighting is Sanjay and its directed by Rahul Singla. Its make up is Raaj, hair stylist is Khusboo and crew is Anand, Saksham. Its filmed by Rahul SIngla.
Title : Kaaku
Starring : Usandiya & Tamanna Sodi
DOP : Cheena Hooda
Editor : Viju
Assist DOP : Gurbaaz
Lyrics coming soon