Jk song is sung by . Record label of this song is SagaHits. This song is penned by and composed by . This song was released on 30 Aug 2018. Its album is Gabru Punjab Da, vocals is JK - The Bhangra Sensation and vocals is JK : The Bhangra Sensation. Its music is Tru:Skool, courtesy is VIP Records (UK) and jk, real name jatinder was born and raised in derby. jk began training to be a vocalist under the tuition of sukhjit singh olk, aka tru is Skool,.
Title: Panga Peh Giyah
Album: Gabru Punjab Da
Vocals: JK - The Bhangra Sensation
Lyrics: Manjeet Samra
Music: Tru-Skool
Lyrics coming soon