Jatta koka song is sung by . Record label of this song is Speed Records. This song is penned by and composed by . This song was released on 05 Mar 2019. Its female lead is Nidhi Tapadia, choreographer is Anup Bhardwaj (TDS Dubai) and casting is done by Akshay Sood. Its mix and mastering is achieved by Dj Ganesh, cinematography is executed by #RobbySingh and its directed by Akshay Sood & Sunny Thind. Its mix and mastering is achieved by Sameer Charnegaonkar, make up & hair style is Josie and production is done by Akshay Kapoor.
Female Lead : Nidhi Tapadia
Project By : Hardeep Maan
Choreographer : Anup Bhardwaj (TDS Dubai)
Casting : Akshay Sood
Remix by : Dj Ganesh
Lyrics coming soon