Ik wari song is sung by . Record label of this song is Jass Records. This song is penned by and composed by . It is produced by Jasvirpal Singh. This song was released on 27 Feb 2015. Its #editor is Gobindpuriya, #starring Ravneet & Akanksha and #d.o.p is Rohit & Aman Virdi. Its its directed by Karandeep & Aman Virdi, its directed by HS Goraya.
#Label | Jass Records (94780:69934)
#Editor : Gobindpuriya
#Starring : Ravneet & Akanksha
#D.O.P : Rohit & Aman Virdi
#Asst. Directors : Karandeep & Aman Virdi
Lyrics coming soon

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