Humsafar song is sung by . Record label of this song is TSeries. This song is penned by and composed by . It is produced by Thoth Ventures. This song was released on 27 Jun 2017. Its its directed by Vishal Furia, cinematography is executed by Nishant Gala and its directed by Rohit Mangde. Its cinematography is executed by Satish Kakade, featured model is Manishi Singh and location courtesy is Molecule Club. Its production is done by Ms. Krishna Sangani, editor is Abhishek Pathak and line producer (delhi) is Gopa Kumar Nair.

Its lights is Light & Light, camera is Java Motion Pictures and associate producer is Jayvardhan Sharma. Its production is done by Sunil Adhikari.
Video Producer: Thoth Ventures
Director: Vishal Furia
DOP: Nishant Gala
Asst. Director: Rohit Mangde
Asst. DOP: Satish Kakade
Lyrics coming soon