� ghungroo song is sung by . Record label of this song is Amar Audio. This song is penned by and composed by . It is produced by Pinky Dhaliwal. This song was released on 28 Mar 2017. Its ghungroo is 5432116159357, teri gali gede is 5432116159319 and ghungroo is 5379318250. Its teri gali gede is 5379318246, ghungroo is 567899318250 and teri gali gede is 567899318246. Its ghungroo is 6597550, teri gali gede is 6597551 and ghungroo is 9318250. Its teri gali gede is 9318246.
Ghungroo : 5432116159357
Teri Gali Gede : 5432116159319
Ghungroo : 5379318250
Teri Gali Gede : 5379318246
Ghungroo : 567899318250
Lyrics coming soon