Gabhru song is sung by . Record label of this song is Amar Audio and its production house is Bhuller Production House & Rangrej Production. This song is penned by and composed by . It is produced by Pinky Dhaliwal. This song was released on 03 Sep 2016. Its gabru is 5432115746417, kudiyan nu sohni lagdi is 5432115746398 and gabru is 5378306069. Its kudiyan nu sohni lagdi is 5378306903, gabru is 567898306069 and kudiyan nu sohni lagdi is 567898306903. Its gabru is 6263246, kudiyan nu sohni lagdi is 6263247 and gabru is 8306069.

Its kudiyan nu sohni lagdi is 8306903, editor is Jagjeet Singh Dhanoa and video is created by Harry Bhatti. Its grading is Garry Khatrao, cinematography is executed by Gagan Randhawa and cinematography is executed by Gurmit Singh & Hermann Dhanoa. Its choreographer is Nitin Arora, its directed by Kanwar Pannu and its directed by Samar Singh Chouhan.
Gabru : 5432115746417
Kudiyan Nu Sohni Lagdi : 5432115746398
Gabru : 5378306069
Kudiyan Nu Sohni Lagdi : 5378306903
Gabru : 567898306069
Lyrics coming soon