Farar song is sung by . Record label of this song is Amar Audio. This song is written by . It is produced by Jeetu Production. This song was released on 07 Oct 2017. Its its directed by Ajay Singh, story is William, Anish Sharma and music direction is done by Gautam Music Karfew. Its cinematography is executed by Bawa, editor is Suresh Kalsi and production is done by After Play Film Studio. Its producer is Pinky Dhaliwal.
STARRING: Prince Singh, Mahi Sharma, Aniket Sharma, Gurjeet Dhillon, Mehak Sharma, Satnam Jayee, Ashok Salwan, Sukhbir, Chacha Bishna
DIRECTED BY : Ajay Singh
PRODUCED BY : Jeetu Production
STORY: William, Anish Sharma
SINGER : Kamal Khan
Lyrics coming soon