Duawan song is sung by . Record label of this song is White Hill Music. This song is penned by and composed by . This song was released on 13 May 2018. Its cinematography is executed by Gagan Randhawa, editor & colourist is Inder Rattaul and steady cam is ENN SYAN. Its chief ad is Simranjeet Singh, designing is completed by Amrita Ahuja and its directed by Diksha Trehan. Its its directed by Avrinder Kaur, Amrita Ahuja, Tej Ohsaan, makup is Ranju Gill and hair is Rama.

Its production is done by Heaven Star, poster of the song is designed by Creative Crew and published year is 2018.
DOP : Gagan Randhawa
Editor & Colourist : Inder Rattaul
Steady Cam : ENN SYAN
Chief AD : Simranjeet Singh
Costume Designer : Amrita Ahuja
Lyrics coming soon