Door des vich song is sung by . Record label of this song is Music & Sound . This song is penned by and composed by . It is produced by Avtar Singh Rakhra (Rakhra Tax Service), Fresno Financial Center (Tejinder Randhawa, Sunny Chadha). This song was released on 26 Aug 2018. Its its directed by Malkiat Meet, cinematography is executed by K B Brar (Cinegeet), Guri Bhandal and edit & color grade(cc) is Bridgelinestudios. Its makeup is done by Amy Waraich, line producer is Jatinder Kaur (Jeet) and line producer asst. is Jay Singh. Its mother lead sr. is Harjit Kaur, mother lead jr. is Bajita Rakhra and birthday mother is Gita Chadha.
Director: Malkiat Meet
Producers: Avtar Singh Rakhra (Rakhra Tax Service), Fresno Financial Center (Tejinder Randhawa, Sunny Chadha)
Cinematography: K B Brar (Cinegeet), Guri Bhandal
Edit & Color Grade(CC): Bridgelinestudios
Makeup: Amy Waraich
Lyrics coming soon