Champa chameli song is sung by . Record label of this song is TSeries. This song is penned by and composed by . It is produced by Manoj Kumar Mandi. This song was released on 02 Nov 2018. Its its directed by Harish Kumar, music is Manoj Nayan Singer: Ritu Pathak and rap words & voice is Rahul B. Seth. Its music arrangements & programming is Pradeep Kotnala, harmonium & banjo is Pradeep Pandit and rhythm is Shreedhar Chari & Group. Its song recorded at is Sterling Recording Studio, mix and mastering is achieved by Aamir Shaikh and 2. champa rani is Champa Chameli.
Music Label: T-Series
Produced By : Manoj Kumar Mandi
Directed By : Harish Kumar
Song: Champa Chameli
Music: Manoj Nayan Singer: Ritu Pathak
Lyrics coming soon