Bhumro Lyrics - Notebook | Zaheer Iqbal | Pranutan Bahl | Mir Sarwar | Gaurav Vaswani | Shubhansh Tiwari
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Song Information
Bhumro song is from Notebook (2019) and it is sung by Gaurav Vaswani, Shubhansh Tiwari and Kumar Gaurav Singh. Record label of this song is TSeries.It stars Mir Sarwar, Zaheer Iqbal and Pranutan Bahl in leading roles. This song is penned by Kaushal Kishore and composed by Vishal Mishra. It is produced by Salma Khan, Murad Khetani, Ashwin Varde. This song was released on 29 Mar 2019. Its its directed by Nitin Kakkar, release date is 29th March 2019 and assistant engg. is Abhishek Sortey & Dhananjay Khapekar. Its recording assistants is Abhishek Khandelwal, Manasi Tare, vocals recorded at is YRF Studios & VM Studios and orchestra recorded at is Macedonian Symphonic Orchestra Studio. Its strokes is Tapas Roy, percussions is Raju Kulkarni, Pratap Rath and dhol is Hanif Dafrani & Aslam Dafrani. Its guitars is Warren Mendonsa, orchestra performed by is Macedonian Symphonic Orchestra and orchestra coordinator is Andrew T. Mackay / Bohemia Junction Ltd.. Its orchestra conductor is Oleg Kondratenko.
Directed By: Nitin Kakkar
Produced By: Salma Khan, Murad Khetani, Ashwin Varde
Release Date: 29th March 2019
Mixed & Mastered : Shadab Rayeen @New Edge Studios
Assistant Engg. : Abhishek Sortey & Dhananjay Khapekar
Lyrics coming soon