Bheege bheege song is sung by . Record label of this song is TSeries. This song is penned by and composed by . This song was released on 16 Mar 2019. Its ♫song is Bheege Bheege, ♫music programmer is Dhrubajyoti Phukan and production is done by Shubh Dhingra. Its ♫live sarangi is Dilshad Khan, ♫guitar nylon & acoustic is Pawan Rasaily and mix and mastering is achieved by Shadab Rayeen.
♫Song: Bheege Bheege
♫Singer: Ankit Tiwari
♫Music: Ankit Tiwari
♫Lyrics: Anurag Bhomia
♫Music Programmer: Dhrubajyoti Phukan
Lyrics coming soon