Batman song is sung by . Record label of this song is Jass Records. This song is penned by and composed by . This song was released on 05 Mar 2019. Its video is created by TDOT FILMS, cinematography is executed by Rahul Chahal and its directed by Jaskamal Saini Taran Bali. Its designing is completed by ur name, cinematography is executed by Sagar Kanda and intro is Sunny Malton. Its starring Priyanka Joshi, video is created by : TDOT FILMS and cinematography is executed by : Rahul Chahal.

Its its directed by : Jaskamal Saini Taran Bali, designing is completed by : ur name and cinematography is executed by : Sagar Kanda. Its makeup is done by : Rose Gold Studio.
Project by :- Lowkey entertainment
Director/ DOP / Concept :- Rahul Chahal
Assisstant Directors :- Jaskamal Saini Taran Bali
Editor and Publicity design :- ur name
Lyrics coming soon