Band wajeyan naal song is sung by . Record label of this song is Amar Audio. This song is penned by and composed by . It is produced by Pinky Dhaliwal. This song was released on 17 Dec 2016. Its editor is Briz Kishore, starring Disha Sachdeva , Pawan Fatehgarhiya and mix and mastering is achieved by Jassi Katyal. Its choreographer is Deush Mehra, d.o.p is Shelly Dhiman and cinematography is executed by Shelly Dhiman. Its production is done by Munish Kalyan, its directed by Jasjit Singh & Rohit.
Editor: Briz Kishore
Starring : Disha Sachdeva , Pawan Fatehgarhiya
Mix & Mastering : Jassi Katyal
Choreographer : Deush Mehra
D.O.P : Shelly Dhiman
Lyrics coming soon