Akh meri cho song is sung by . Record label of this song is Lokdhun Punjabi. This song is penned by and composed by . This song was released on 04 Nov 2018. Its mix and mastering is achieved by Sumit Grover (Bhupati Audio Lab), its directed by Virat Marwaha and female lead is Garima. Its editing is made by Mayank Thapar, cinematography is executed by Shinda Singh and steadycam is Amninder Singh syan. Its production is done by Neeraj Bhatt, makeup is done by Anthea Thapar and casting is done by Senty virk. Its arts is Karmaa arts.
Mix & Master : Sumit Grover (Bhupati Audio Lab)
Director:- Virat Marwaha
Project by:- Supernova productions
Female lead:- Garima
Editing & DI:- Mayank Thapar
Lyrics coming soon