Kaanchi: The Unbreakable (2014) , a 2014 bollywood/drama movie released on 4/25/2014 starring Kartik Tiwari, Mishty, Rishi Kapoor, Mithun Chakraborty, Adil Hussain, Vikrant Massey, Rishabh Sinha, Chandan Roy Sanyal, Pallavi Subhash Chandran, Sahil Vaid, Ishita Vyas, Imran Hasnee, produced by Subhash Ghai.

An innocent beauty from the country takes on three powerful and corrupt men.

Plot: An innocent beauty from the country takes on three powerful and corrupt men.
Genre: Bollywood/Drama
Producer: Subhash Ghai
Music Director(s): Ismail Darbar, Subhash Ghai
Lyricist(s): Irshad Kamil, Subhash Ghai
Release Date: 25 Apr, 2014