Hara , a 2010 drama movie released on 11/30/2010 starring Stefania Goulioti, Amalia Moutoussi, Lida Protopsalti, Yorgos Symeonidis, Nikos Flessas, Kostas Berikopoulos, Giannis Yfantis, produced by Elias Giannakakis under the banner of Adlabs Films Ltd.

A woman (Amalia Moutoussi) steals a baby from a hospital and refuses to defend herself after she is arrested for child abduction and murder.

Plot: A woman (Amalia Moutoussi) steals a baby from a hospital and refuses to defend herself after she is arrested for child abduction and murder.
Genre: Drama
Producer: Elias Giannakakis
Release Date: 30 Nov, 2010