Zindagi song is sung by . Record label of this song is Jass Records. This song is penned by and composed by . This song was released on 15 Apr 2019. Its editor is Harmeet S Kalra, cinematography is executed by Happee Cam and video is created by Eagle Eyes. Its poster of the song is designed by Raja Films, makeup is done by Reet Makeover and casting is done by HS Fashion Mgt.. Its production is done by PP Production, its directed by Honey Saini.
Spl Thanks | Goldy Abbupuria & Jordan:D
Title : Zindagi
Starting : Puneet Bhatia, Oomaira Yadav, Mahi Singh, Amrit Sekhon
Editor : Harmeet S Kalra
DOP : Happee Cam
Lyrics coming soon