Tappe song is sung by and . Record label of this song is VehliJantaRecords. This song is penned by and composed by . It is produced by Virasat Films. This song was released on 19 Mar 2019. Its mix and mastering is achieved by Bhanu Thakur, d.o.p is Jaype Singh and editor is Tarun Chouhan. Its background score is Jaidev Kumar, its directed by Laada Siyan Ghuman and mix and mastering is achieved by Parikshit Lalwani, Kunal Mehta. Its choreographer is Ritchie Burton, designing is completed by Nitasha Bhateja Roy and its directed by Rupinder Singh Rommy.

Its publicity & vfx is Brave Art Studios, vfx supervisor is Manjeet Sannan and d.i studio is Pixel D. Studios. Its d.i colorist is Prathvish Hegde, production is done by Dharmveer Rai and publicity stills is Dashmesharts Films. Its pr is Prinday, instagram is sophiya_consultants and producer is MANPREET JOHAL.
Mix & Master : Bhanu Thakur
Special Thanks:- Ranjit Bawa, Wamiqa Gabbi, Harwinder Sidhu.
D.O.P:- Jaype Singh
Editor:- Tarun Chouhan
Background Score:- Jaidev Kumar
Lyrics coming soon